Both males and females of the so-called bleeding heart baboon have hourglass shaped areas of bare, red skin on their chests. Female geladas, upon reaching sexual maturity, develop blister-like bumps around the edges of these skin patches.
They swell and change color from whitish to red in conjunction with the female's estrous cycle. They are an obvious indicator of fertility, somewhat like the fleshy rump patches of other baboons, chimps and bonobos.

Their unusual appearance and striking presence is one thing, but perhaps the most interesting aspect of these primates is their social structure. It is one of the most complex among primates and is often cited as a model for understanding what the social structure of ancestral humans might have been like.
Gelada baboon social structure is also especially interesting because it contrasts sharply with a closely related species of baboon — the hamadryas baboon. Both species of baboon live in Ethiopia in the highlands in groups of hundreds of individuals. Bands upwards of 400 have been spotted in one place, but they recognize only the few who live in their troop and especially their harem. Harems are formed of 2 to 8 females, their young and one dominant male. Sometimes harems are referred to as OMUs or one male units to differentiate their social system from that of human harems, but the concept is basically the same. Often, gelada and hamadryas baboon harems have a hanger-on or follower male who is too young, too inexperienced, or too low ranking to acquire his own harem. And that's where some of the stark differences between the two species can be seen.

Gelada females, in contrast, have much more relaxed lives. Males don't herd them or try to abscond with them or their babies. They live lives characterized more by sisterly bonds than domestic abuse. Gelada females enjoy very tight bonds with other females in their group, spending most of their grooming time on each other. In contrast, their hamadryas counterparts focus most of their grooming on 'the boss.'
Why do gelada and hamadryas females live such different social lives?
The answer is actually remarkably simple: Gelada females are family. Hamadryas females are totally unrelated to each other. Kinship is a powerful determinant of behavior among primates.
Why are gelada females all related to one another?
At sexual maturity, when juveniles complete puberty and become capable of reproduction, they must leave their natal troop, their birth troop, to avoid inbreeding. Among geladas, it's the males who leave. For hamadryas, it's the females who leave. When they join new troops, they find themselves living with unrelated females who are more interested in the dominant male than each other. For gelada females it's just the opposite.
Are the bonds of sisterhood powerful deterrents for male violence? I think the story of the gelada and hamadryas baboons suggests so.
Great article, I love it! I find your articles very interesting, yo do agood job!
This makes me wonder about human cultures, too. Are patrilocal arrangements more likely to be lousy for women than matrilocal ones?
Usually the cultures where these kinship questions are a going concern - and also studied - are places where marriages are arranged (i.e. matrilateral cross-cousin unions, so not just arranged, but very narrowly defined as to who can marry whom).
Of course, there are plenty of places where extended families live under one roof, but that isn't really the same as a 400-member band hanging out together.
Anyway, the baboons certainly beg the question about people. Maybe if I had a time machine, I could study those differences for my dissertation :)
cute ornaments below!
very fun facts too.
Ahhh baboons! We can learn so much from them. :) Great post!
This is wonderful & very facinating! ♥
This is amazing! You did such a great job! Love the pictures, very interesting and attractive!
Thanks! I enjoy learning about these kinds of things. Sometimes, they are more 'with it' then humans, I thihnk!
What an awesome post - Geladas are so interesting and unique. Great writing! (Have you researched your theory that the bumps could be related to a herpes virus?)
Hey Alasdair =D Would you like my fact-based answer or my fat-based one? My gut says - duh - of course patrilocal arrangements would be poorer for humans females. But, I'm not an anthropologist so I don't know if for sure they are.
SuzyQ - Thanks for the compliment!
I haven't researched my theory and I don't know if anyone else has either. I could/should ask Robin Dunbar who is the one who broke ground studying them. Much of what we know about the social structure of gelada baboons comes from his pioneering research. He's not a physiologist though, so who knows what he'd say, but I should at least ask him next time I get the opportunity =D
I was wondering if you could tell me where you got that drawing of the 2 bleeding heart baboon. I'm currently working on a UK documentary about Baboons, and our director would like to use that picture in particular in the programme.
If you know where I could find information about licensing it I would appreciate it if you could email me at michael@firecrackerfilms.com
Thank you so much!
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