Friday, November 28, 2008

Why oh why do I not get a discount?!

The evil, nasty Apple people tempted me with a promotional email touting all kinds of big sales today only so I opened it, naturally. I have money to burn, er, spend on two of my favorite guys and tech gear is a sure winner for pressies.

I found exactly what I wanted and both were on really great sales. I could even get free engraving on one and have my choice of colors. Perfect. The other pressie would actually be for me in a way.. LOL.. because it would mean Mr. Field Notes and I could work side by side instead of in separate offices. Awesome! And FREE SHIPPING! Next day shipping! Perfect.

So I put the items in the cart and went to save it for later. Just a few hours while I make sure this is really something I can afford right now. The decision hangs on the outcome of a VIP test I need to take. So I click to save the cart, enter my password and then vamoooose bye bye sale discount.

What the?!

So, if you're a frequent, loyal customer who keeps a registered account then you don't get your discount? Grrrrrrr. Bye bye buy.

I guess I'll just erase the cookies and refill the shopping cart later.


Pam said...

That totally stinks. I hate the 'for new customers only' deals. LOL. What about loyalty and returning customers? We rock too.

Shell Mitchell said...

oooh - those apple folks are big meanies!!