Monday, March 29, 2010

We have a talking ape now! Baby's First 'Real" Word

Today Baby Field Notes said her first 'real' word: UP.

Previously she has said 'BIG,' which blew me away because, a) she's a very quiet child who doesn't really babble on and on so we've rarely heard vowel and and even fewer consonant sounds, b) was late to giggle, c) was only about 8 months old, and d) perfectly enunciated the word: BIG. It really surprised me. She's certainly heard that word a lot, what with two enormous dogs keeping her company!

This time was different though, because she used UP in the right context, intentionally, and along with the right gesture. When she said BIG it probably was unintentional. I think she was just experimenting with her tongue and mouth and voice. It wasn't in the right situation, at least not without making up a story, and wasn't coincident with any meaningful gesture, so it really can't be considered language.

But what is language? It's complicated but you can glean a lot from this excellent discussion, if you click here.


Virginia said...

Now you're in for it! Babies are good manipulators to start with - and then they acquire speech. :)

Field Notes said...

I say: Bring it!!

Science Bear said...

Congrats baby field notes!!

If I was interested in developmental milestones where would be the best source? I've taken several developmental courses, but they have always been from a biological stand point and thus completely useless when comparing what my niece is doing versus what is average at the same age.

Field Notes said...

SB, that depends on whether you just want to know for comparison's sake or for understanding what milestones mean on a psychological level. If you google 'baby developmental milestones' you get a lot of results back. Among them, I found this one to be the most useful for comparisons because it differentiates emerging skills from mastered ones and better conveys that development is a gradual process with a lot of individual variation:

For a deeper understanding of developmental psychology, as opposed to biology, you get your hands on any recent textbook from your library and have a lot of fun =D

Science Bear said...

I'd actually like both if I can find the time. Thanks for your help! I love your blog :)

Becky said...

Wow! Go BFN! I kind of expect "Hi" to be Little Miss' first word. We'll see...